■ 基本信息
复制子: | pUC |
质粒分类: | 病毒系列,腺病毒载体 |
质粒大小: | 33477bp |
原核抗性: | Amp |
克隆菌株: | Stbl3 |
培养条件: | 37度 |
表达宿主: | 哺乳细胞 |
诱导方式: | 无须诱导,瞬时表达 |
3'测序引物: | 根据序列设计引物 |
■ 质粒属性
质粒宿主: | 哺乳细胞,腺病毒 |
质粒用途: | 蛋白表达 |
片段类型: |
片段物种: |
原核抗性: | Amp |
真核抗性: |
荧光标记: |
■ 质粒简介
The plasmid pAdEasy-1, containing most of the human adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) genome, is deleted for the genes E1 and E3. The removal of these two viral genes creates space for foreign DNA and eliminates selfreplication capabilities. The E1 deletion renders the viruses defective for replication and incapable of producing infectious viral particles in target cells (provided there is no complementation by the host cell); the E3 region encodes proteins involved in evading host immunity and is dispensable. The deletion of both genes creates room for up to 7.5 kb of foreign DNA that can be inserted into the Ad5 genome. The E1 gene, which is necessary for production of viral particles, is provided in trans by AD-293 cells. pAdEasy-1 carries the ampicillin resistance gene, which is lost after recombination with a shuttle vector.
■ 质粒图谱
■ 质粒序列